Freedom of Information

Nuclear case - still no access to details of the damage reduction process in the Paks Nuclear Plant

The Capital Court of Appeal has made a decision on 20 April about the lawsuit of Energy Club and National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate (NAEA-NSD) in the second instance court. The judiciary overruled the judgement of the first instance court and ordered to initiate a new proceeding. In the lawsuit HCLU represents the suitor. The appeal does not lie against this decision which is, though favourable, still does not result the access to the demanded data.

Delay in the “Nuclear Trial”

The Metropolitan Court did not deliver its decision on appeal today in the lawsuit between Energy Club and the National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate (NAEA-NSD). The public still does not have access to the information on the expert opinions on the damage reduction process of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant.

Double success: freedom of information and HCLU won!

The Metropolitan Appellate Court (Fővárosi Ítélőtábla) delivered its final judgment on appeal in the case against the Hungarian Official Gazette on March 2, 2006. The appellate court changed the verdict of the court of the first instance in favor of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU).

The transparency of the State is in jeopardy! The draft Secrecy Act must be revoked!

The Press Freedom Centre (Sajtószabadság Központ), The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) and Protect the Future (Védegylet) demand the Government to revoke the T/18708 draft Act on protection of classified data submitted to the Parliament.

Court of the first instance denied our petition against the Budapest Police Department

The Central District Court of Pest denied the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union's (HCLU) petition against Budapest Police Department (Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság) for the disclosure of the data of public interest regarding the camera systems installed in several districts of Budapest.

Does the European Council have the right to close its doors?

The European Ombudsman found that the Council did not give any appropriate reason for carrying out its legislation activity behind closed doors.

The Supreme Court denied our petition for review in our lawsuit against the Constitutional Court

Several reports have been released concerning our lawsuit on disclosure of data of public interest.

Report on the court process regarding the data related to Nuclear Power Plant’s Damage Control Measures

The court proceeding at the Metropolitan Court continues between Energy Club and the National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate (OAH-NBI). Press was present in great numbers, unfortunately no decision was made yet.

Trial on the expert opinions on the damage reduction in Paks

During the breakdown of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant in 2003, the heating system was damaged. Parts of the system have still not been removed. The Energie Club, represented by HCLU’s legal aid service, has filed an action against National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate (NAEA-NSD) for the disclosure of data of public interest.

Half the Battle Won in the “Nuclear” Lawsuit

The Court of Appeals sent the case back to the Metropolitan Court because the court of first instance was wrong in defining the expert opinions regarding the re-start of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant’s 2nd block were not public data. The Court of Appeals ruled that indeed they were public data, but it was possible that they were to be considered as trade secrets or fell under copyright laws. This however needed to be decided by the court of first instance in a re-trial.

Invitation to trial concerning the disclosure of information about the camera system in Városliget

Various reports were released this spring regarding the decision passed by the Metropolitan General Assembly on installing a camera system in the Városliget. We have asked the Chairman of the City Governance Committee of the Metropolitan General Assembly about the details. We did not manage to gain substantial information. Therefore we filed an action with the Central District Court of Pest asking the court determine whether it is lawful to keep such information „secret”.

Invitation to the „nuclear trial” on appeal

The Appellate Court hearing in the lawsuit against the National Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Safety Directorate will be held on September 8, 2005, Thursday, from