Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Success for HCLU: freedom of expressing opinion rules!

Péter György represented by András Schiffer, lawyer of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) won the lawsuit against Sándor Fábry in front of the court of the first instance. According to the court the statement made by Péter György – calling the showman racist and accusing him of showing hatred against gypsies - is “on the cutting edge of freedom of expression but it does not exceed its borders.”

HCLU welcomes the court's ruling in the Conscience 88 Group case

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) acknowledges with content that the court already in two cases ruled against the police in the issue of whether the police had lawfully cancelled an event or not.

The transparency of the State is in jeopardy! The draft Secrecy Act must be revoked!

The Press Freedom Centre (Sajtószabadság Központ), The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) and Protect the Future (Védegylet) demand the Government to revoke the T/18708 draft Act on protection of classified data submitted to the Parliament.

Court of the first instance denied our petition against the Budapest Police Department

The Central District Court of Pest denied the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union's (HCLU) petition against Budapest Police Department (Budapesti Rendőr Főkapitányság) for the disclosure of the data of public interest regarding the camera systems installed in several districts of Budapest.

Court hearing in the case of the “building-occupiers”

The first court hearing for the misdemeanor case of the Centrum Activists Group (Centrum Csoport) was held on January 11, 2006. The group of young people was charged with misdemeanor for occupying an empty building, owned by the local government. The building has been abandoned and neglected by the local government for 5 years. The aim of the occupiers was to set up a cultural, social and art centre in the abandoned building.

International protest against the custody of the demonstrators against the WTO meeting

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) has joined the international campaign organized by civil organizations and private individuals. The campaign is a protest against the brutal behavior towards the “political prisoners” of WTO meeting held in Hong Kong in December.