Hungarian Civil Liberties Union

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union is a human rights NGO. Since our foundation in 1994, we have been working for everybody being informed about their fundamental human rights and empowered to enforce it against the undue interference by those in position of public power.

our focus areas & news

Hungarian drug reform activist at bar

Peter Juhasz, activist of the Hemp Seed Association (Kendermag Egyesület) came on for a trial on Monday in a landmark case.

Success: single women can become mothers

On Tuesday the members of the parliament – 185 voting for, 137 voting against, 1 not voting- approved the amendment of the health law, according to which single women are entitled to participate in artificial insemination procedure in the future.

Human Rights Festival in Budapest

The Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), the Legal Defense Bureau for National and Ethnic Minorities, and the Hungarian Helsinki Committee are organizing a Human Rights Festival on 10th of December.

HCLU raises awareness on NEP policy discrepancies

Hours before the strategic litigation–type criminal procedure today, the Head of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union’s (HCLU) Legal Aid Service, together with the psychologist/social worker of the Drug Prevention Foundation’s needle exchange program (also a colleguae with HCLU), presented the unacceptable situations surrounding HIV/AIDS and hepatitis prevention among IDU’s for the Members of the Drug Committee of the Hungarian Parliament.

HCLU uses Strategic Litigation as a tool in Needle Exchange Advocacy Fight

Head of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union’s (HCLU) Legal Aid Service, Andrea Pelle is representing a collegue from HCLU and the biggest Hungarian NEP in Budapest in a strategic litigation–type criminal procedure. The social worker, followed by the media reports himself with sterile and used syringes at the Budapest Chief Prosecutor’s Office on the World AIDS Day, 12.00 Budapest time.

Declaration of Protest

Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) has been informed with revelation that Gatter László, the head of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest, denounced certain leaders of the Communist Party (Munkáspárt) for slander, since one of the court’s sentence, delivered in connection with an internal debate of the Labour Party, was called “political” by the Party’s web site.